Psalm 18

Our Prayerwalk America journey began in the International House of Prayer Global Prayer Room one afternoon when God clearly spoke to me and said we were to walk all fifty states and pray on-site for our nation. And then, He also said clearly, “I mean you and I mean now.” I was so excited telling Tony, “We are going to all fifty capitals! God just told me!” and trying to “keep it down” as we were sitting only a few rows back near the front of the prayer room, during an intercession set.

Our heart for this journey and this book is, that it will be a prayer tool for America to pray for America. We envision it on every coffee table in America, where precious intercessors can turn to Minnesota and lay their hands right on the capital, and pray for Minnesota, or Florida, or Arizona, or California, to align with God’s heart.

As you read and pray through this tool, know that it’s the intercessor that changes America. God sees big and little quite differently than we do. Just as our heart moves at the sound of His voice, His heart moves at the sound of ours… It’s incredible.

We have such an amazing and unspeakably majestic and awesome God who shakes the earth when He hears the sound of His bride crying out to Him. Our prayer for this book is that you, each one of you reading this book, will encounter the God of the universe who will shake the earth when your cry reaches His ear.

“In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God for help; He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry for help before Him came into His ears. Then the earth shook…”

Psalm 18: 6-7a