Recommended Resources
Recommended Resources
These are resources we have found helpful in our ministry work. We highly recommend these prayer tools and have listed them for you below.
The Overcomers’ Handbook of Kingdom Proclamations
The Overcomers’ Handbook of Kingdom Proclamations
“The Overcomers’ Handbook of Kingdom Proclamations”, by Barbara Potts, is available on Amazon. We took this book with us to every state on our Prayerwalk America journey in 2019, making declarations and proclamations from Senate Balconies, House Chambers, Supreme Court Steps, Governor’s offices, and long road trips in between. This is a tremendous prayer help you don’t want to be without.

Prayers and Declarations for America
Prayers and Declarations for America
A Solemn Decree and Proclamation
This is a proclamation over the state of Colorado, to be used by the people of God. This document declares God’s authority, sovereignty and power over the enemy, and this a statement of faith and absolute trust in the blood of Christ and its power in our lives. This is a strong enabling tool to remind ourselves who we are in Christ and Who He is in us. Pastor Steve Ferrante who penned this document leads Fellowship Church in Estes Park, Colorado.
Declarations for Colorado
This prayer tool is written by Amy Everette, Mobilizing Catalyst for Colorado Prays; This is designed to be used making declarations of truth over our city and state. It calls for agreement with the Word of God on who God is, and what truths we are standing on intercession. It declares alignment with God’s plan for our city, and for reconciliation and unity where there has been division. This is a powerful intercessory tool.