Ministry Updates


September 7, 2023

September will bring some mighty closure to our Prayerwalk Colorado prayer strike! We are excited and wondering, after a time of much needed rest and reflection, one question: “What’s Next?!”

We were so encouraged to have been able to complete 11 more counties on our last prayer journey in August, thanks to much prayer and amazing hosts. This leaves only four more counties to complete in September. We will go this coming Wednesday and Thursday September 13-14, on a two day trip to complete Broomfield County (Broomfield, Colorado); Jackson County (Walden, Colorado), and Grand County (Hot Sulfer Springs, Colorado). Please see the tab on this website, “Prayerwalk Colorado” for a reminder of what we do in each county. And, “patience please”, as I get the rest of the county posts entered! Soon all 64 counties will be posted on this website, with the Lord’s help! This is intended to be a prayer tool for Colorado to pray for Colorado!

This leaves one more county. Denver County (Denver, Colorado) will complete this prayerwalk across the 64 counties of Colorado. We will have prayer, worship and dedication over Colorado on Sunday September 24 at 3:00 PM. This will not “complete ” Prayerwalk America, by any means- but will complete this prayer assignment. We are waiting on the Lord for our next instructions! Soon you will see the posted invitation to our final county, Denver. We want to honor the Lord and dedicate the land of Colorado to His Kingdom, and make a firm statement to the enemy that this land is NOT HIS; it belongs only to our Lord and Savior- AS DOES OUR NATION!

To all of you who have hosted us, met and prayed over counties with us, generously supported this ministry in so many ways, and above all prayed us through- we give our heartfelt thanks. We would love to see you at this final gathering over the counties. Our invitation to this event will appear on “Ministry Updates” shortly. Blessings to you all- and, keep watching this post for more news from Prayerwalk America.

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