Prayerwalk Colorado
Costilla County

County Seat: San Luis.
We are beginning day one of our seven day, eleven county Prayer Strike. Our first stop will be San Luis, County Seat of Costilla County. The oldest continuously occupied town in Colorado, San Luis was established on April 5, 1851. We would visit three notable sites here. The first was an old cowboy we found.
Or, I should say, he found us.
You see, as we arrived in San Luis, God impressed on my heart that we should stop at the Post Office. Then He prompted my heart to go in and see if someone inside needed prayer. Inside was a very friendly, sweet old cowboy who was more than willing to tell me about San Luis, this town he called home, and obviously loved. He asked if we knew about “Stations of the Cross.” We did not, but soon would! Our new friend told us all about it, that we needed to see this site, and that we just couldn’t come here without visiting this place. We prayed for him as he asked, that he would have happiness and peace, and good thoughts. It was our first, sweet Divine appointment here. His name was Greg. I wanted his picture with Tony so bad, but the Lord said no, this is about prayer not pictures. I will hold his picture, this time, in my memory and in my heart.
So, we set out to find this notable place. It did turn out to be one of the most notable places in San Luis, appropriately named “Stations of the Cross”, This was our second stop here, and we have arrived. There is a large wooden cross at the entrance, and the chapel in the distance. As we walked the trail around this beautiful memorial to Jesus, there were statues depicting all the timeline of Jesus’ death and resurrection. I will let the pictures tell the story. Oh Lord, what You did for us, what You suffered willingly so we could become Your sons and daughters; there are no words. They didn’t take Your life. You gave it.
John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”
We walked through the chapel here and spent some time in prayer. It was quiet and beautiful. The most moving of the statues to me was the one of our Lord falling under the weight of the cross. The Lamb of God. The inside of the chapel was just like the town, a historical monument to a beautiful Lord.
Our third and final stop here was an old chapel where we would have our memorial offering, worship and prayer over Costilla County. In the oldest continuously occupied town in Colorado, we gave tribute to the God who is forever. Lord, You still have every one of the prayers prayed all these years in this place, in Your bowl in heaven. You know every face, every name and every precious person and child that walked this land long before us. I hope they knew then that their prayers would still echo over this land here, in this oldest town. What a symbol of how You are the first and the last, the beginning and the end. What a testament that You know us all by name and You love each one.
Thank You for these old homesteads, these beautiful old churches, and these reminders that You are now and forever Lord of all. Let all who come here be reminded of what You did so we could spend forever with You. Let this be a lighthouse to every soul that passes through here, what cost You paid for us, and the price of Your love.
As we placed our memorial to You in this ground, behind this chapel, we remember again what the symbols mean. I love being able to place these memorials, these symbols of our prayers in each county. Tony dug the hole and together we placed the offerings in the ground. I got to pray for faith to grow over America from the oldest town in our state, as I threw the mustard seed into the air. Tony led us in communion, and it was a sweet time.
We loaded up “Buttons”, our gift from the Lord to carry us to these places across Colorado. We marveled at the old churches, the Rio Grande River, the old adobe homesteads, the old General Store- all the signs of the years of history that we get to ponder over as we pass through these streets. Thank You Lord for this time together in San Luis.
Let us never forget our roots. Bring America back in line with You again. These churches are yet one more testimony that our nation was built on a foundation of faith in the one and only God. Bring America back, oh Lord. Bring America back to You.
Colorado Counties by Region:
Front Range:
Adams County
Arapahoe County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Denver County
Douglas County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Jefferson County
Larimer County
Weld County
Central Colorado:
Chaffee County
Clear Creek County
Custer County
Eagle County
Fremont County
Gilpin County
Lake County
Park County
Saguache County
Summit County
Teller County
Western Slope:
Archuleta County
Delta County
Dolores County
Garfield County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Jackson County
La Plata County
Mesa County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Ouray County
Pitkin County
Rio Blanco County
Routt County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
San Luis Valley:
Alamosa County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Mineral County
Rio Grande County
Eastern Plains:
Baca County
Bent County
Cheyenne County
Crowley County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Morgan County
Otero County
Phillips County
Prowers County
Sedgwick County
Washington County
Yuma County
Northwest Colorado:
Grand County
Jackson County
Moffat County
Rio Blanco County
Routt County
South Central Colorado:
Sorted By Name:
Adams County
Alamosa County
Arapahoe County
Archuleta County
Baca County
Bent County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Chaffee County
Cheyenne County
Clear Creek County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Crowley County
Custer County
Delta County
Denver County
Dolores County
Douglas County
Eagle County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Fremont County
Garfield County
Gilpin County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Huerfano County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
La Plata County
Lake County
Larimer County
Las Animas County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Mesa County
Mineral County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Morgan County
Otero County
Ouray County
Park County
Phillips County
Pitkin County
Prowers County
Pueblo County
Rio Blanco County
Rio Grande County
Routt County
Saguache County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
Sedgwick County
Summit County
Teller County
Washington County
Weld County
Yuma County
Adams County
Alamosa County
Arapahoe County
Archuleta County
Baca County
Bent County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Chaffee County
Cheyenne County
Clear Creek County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Crowley County
Custer County
Delta County
Denver County
Dolores County
Douglas County
Eagle County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Fremont County
Garfield County
Gilpin County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Huerfano County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
La Plata County
Lake County
Larimer County
Las Animas County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Mesa County
Mineral County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Morgan County
Otero County
Ouray County
Park County
Phillips County
Pitkin County
Prowers County
Pueblo County
Rio Blanco County
Rio Grande County
Routt County
Saguache County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
Sedgwick County
Summit County
Teller County
Washington County
Weld County
Yuma County