County Seat: Dove Creek.

Dove Creek is how we began this day. We very briefly met Kristi Ross in Montezuma County, but before our prayer time there, we headed first to Dove Creek. Now we get to actually “meet” (and hug in person), our Kristi Ross. Here at the Dolores County Courthouse we met Floyd and Linda Cook. Floyd has been the County Commissioner here for over six years and it’s a real honor to get to pray with these fine people.

After a time of prayer agreement together for this county and for Dove Creek, Kristi prayed for God to make Colorado the state He wants it to be. Our next destination here in Dolores County is First Baptist Church. The six of us gathered here and chose a place for our offerings.

After our sacred gathering of prayer, communion and offerings, we sealed our time with worship inside the building. Every part of this time is special, shared with like believers and lovers of Jesus.

“Praise Him with trumpet sound; praise him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with timbrel and dancing; praise Him with stringed instrument and pipe! Praise Him with loud cymbals; praise him with resounding cymbols! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. PRAISE THE LORD!” Psalm 150:3-6.

Thank You Lord, for the praise and worship that rises to your throne from Dove Creek and from Dolores County. Bless this county and let this always be a place of praise to Your Holy Name!

Every part of our time in these counties is precious. Doing this journey with people I love makes it more special.

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