County Seat:

May 6, 2023. Today we find ourselves at the geographical center of Colorado- Park County. We spent last night in a hotel in the County Seat, Fairplay. There we met and prayed with our dear brother and sister in the Lord, Frank and Elizabeth- and of course, our Melody. Today we will complete Park County, which is about twenty minutes from Fairplay. We would spend our time here in the beautiful mountain town of Hartsel. We were honored that God led us, through Frank and Elizabeth, to this wonderful place. The picture to the right is Hartsel’s Community Center, otherwise known as, “The Country Church of Hartsel”.

Hartsel is an amazing town. We were privileged to meet with an amazing and strong group of prayer warriors for Colorado. Our comment to the Lord later when we were leaving there was, “Oh Lord, these people REALLY LOVE YOU!” I will tell you some of what we learned from these precious saints and how we joined with them in prayer.

This little Country Church is named rightly, as you can see from the picture above. These precious ones also were so loving and welcoming. We met inside and found an amazing family of intercessors warring for their county, state and nation. We had a wonderful time of meeting these folks and getting to know their hearts. Tony explained the offerings, then we went outside and the ground was prepared for our next steps. As the offerings were placed in the ground and we prayed over each one, the sound of shofars filled the air! Pastor Jimmy Anderson led us in communion. Oh Lord our Lord, how majestic is Your Name in all the earth! Back inside we shared fellowship and worship together.

Thoughts, prayers and remembrances:

We remember as we take communion that He is our Messiah and the Great I AM. We know and have seen miracles at this church, major healings, gallstones as big as baseballs dissolved, answers to prayer and His amazing power! He is King, He is MY KING, there is a KING here today! Where two or three are gathered… we are on Holy Ground!

A precious sister got a word from the Lord on refreshing, that Jesus is the redeemer of everything and will shift our hearts into joy. Times of being refreshed are coming from our Jesus!

We had such a marvelous and sweet time sharing with Pastor Jimmy and Shelly, Frank and Elizabeth, Butch and Carol, Ray, Susie and her little doggie Sofie, Martin and his sweet wife Debbie, Dallas and Terrie and our Melody- and Tony and myself, Hazel. I hope I got everyone’s names! If I left out a name, know you are ALL in our hearts, as was this day. What a precious time of worship and fellowship we had in Park County!

Throwing our mustard seed into the air! Lord let our faith grow and spread across America!

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