County Seat: Fort Morgan.

After a picnic lunch at a beautiful park with a waterfall, we met our precious sister Marty Luman at The Sanctuary Church. Indeed it was a beautiful Sanctuary, inside and out. Pastor Chuck Griffin and his wife Christel lead this church in following Jesus and giving honor and glory to God. Our Marty couldn’t say enough good things about the way this church brings glory to His Name!

Marty and Tony picked out just the right place on the grounds, and we prayed over each memorial offering we placed in our altar under the tree. Oh Lord, these memorials mean so much to us, every time, every county. I love watching Tony so carefully arranging the stone and the sticks to symbolize Elijah’s altar before the prophets of Baal. Lord God, we desperately need Your fire on our hearts, our churches and our counties. We need Your fire in Colorado. Your power and glory are like none other and we pray You will fill us again!

Finally, We need Jeremiah 10:6-7 to ring our over this land! There is truly NONE LIKE YOU, NONE LIKE YOU, NONE LIKE YOU!!!!!! We raise our hands, hearts and voices in worship and praise to the One and ONLY Savior. In this beautiful setting, we see the fields around us and we know that You have said the fields are ripe and ready for harvest. As we stand in the shade of this tree, we remember how You are our shade on our right hand, and You protect us as You said in Psalm 121. We claim this city, this church, this county and our nation for YOU ALONE! We lift our worship to You, Oh Lord God!

Oh God, bring fire down on our hearts. We call down fire just like You did when Elijah prayed, but this time on our hearts first, then on the church, the community and county, and on Colorado. Thank You for our priceless time of communion together with these precious ones we love, under the shade of this beautiful tree. Thank You for this place that brings You such glory. Let our light shine brightly and let Your Name be magnified here. Accept our shofar sounds, our worship sounds, and the sounds of our hearts. Oh Lord, we love You!

As we share the meaning of these symbols, Oh Lord, bring unity to our churches – Your body, as we place the chain link into the ground. The mustard seed, You said, faith was like that, a small seed but grows into a mighty tree. As we throw the seed into the wind, let the seed of Your Word spread all across our nation. We need You desperately! The water and oil are poured into the ground, as we seek You to anoint us with Your Holy Spirit oil, and flood us with the water of Your precious Word, the only truth. YOU are the Living Water!


PSALM 121:1-8, NASB: I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will not slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is the shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.

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