County Seat: Kiowa.

OCTOBER 12, 2022: What a wonderful day this would turn out to be. In Kiowa, we met quite a group at the Old County Courthouse to begin our day. In fact, there were actually two very amazing groups that we would spend the next two days with! Let me explain.

First we connected with Deanna Miller, an intercessor aligned with the Pastor’s Alliance and a member of the Majestic View Church in Kiowa. She also included Robert and Jenni Hansen from her church, who came with a large flock of beautiful kids! Next, I spoke with tomorrow’s contact, Melanie Taylor, pastor of Lighthouse Church in Limon where we would visit in the morning. Turns out they are all great friends and wanted to pray over both counties together! Micki, the prayer leader at Lighthouse, came with Melanie and all told, about a dozen kids came, making up a third of our intercessors! I LOVE Divine appointments!

We started at the Old County Courthouse with worship and communion, as some had to leave early to go back to work. We walked the parimeter of the courthouse, around the town including also the library and masonic temple, and prayed barriers in the ground against the enemy as we anointed the ground and key points all through the town. The kids were so receptive and wanted to be involved in every part of our worship and prayer!

How much we learn from children. On their own they wanted to join hands and pray/worship seven times around the parimeter of the masonic temple, and then have us blow the shofar. So, we did! The kids were right in on everything, wanting to help, learn, praise- they were wonderful.

Later, we went to Robert and Jenni’s house where we sang, “I Enter the Holy of Holies”, because we were truly on holy ground. We explained the offerings to the children and they again joined right in, wanting to know what everything was for. Precious was the sight of those kids throwing the mustard seed into the air so faith would grow. It was a sweet intimate time and we worshipped and worshipped. We prayed over each other and had wonderful fellowship. We would all go to Melanie’s house this evening in Lincoln County, and tomorrow to the County Seat of Lincoln, Hugo… To be continued on the Lincoln County post!

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