County Seat: Pagosa Springs.

Once again, the beautiful Rio Grande River stretches out before us as we travel through the Rio Grande National Forest. Arriving at Pagosa Springs, we met with Karen Smith and spent some time in the Jesus Café with the owners Stan Gill and his wife Linda. Karen’s friend Lelani Vale also joined in! Our time here was a sweet time of prayer in the Pagosa Healing Rooms.

Open Door Church also welcomed us in to pray and have our memorial offerings and worship. Stan and Linda were able to join us for this time. It’s such a blessing to be able to pray for Archuletta County and our nation with like believers. As we placed the symbols in the ground and broke bread together, we prayed for God’s fire to fall again on the church. We asked God for unity in His church under the authority of the Word of God, for more intercessors to rise up, and for faith to grow and spread like the mustard seed we placed over our offerings and scattered into the wind.

We thanked God for Jeremiah 10: 6-7, for the living water- Jesus, and the oil of Holy Spirit to anoint us. Communion is always a precious time. In remembrance, we took half of the bread and the cup together, then one by one placed the other half into the ground with our offerings. Once all these symbols had been placed into the ground, we buried it all and prayed over it once more. Then, we sealed it with worship. Sealing our time together with praise and worship is always sweet. We sang words of adoration and love to a God who is way beyond words. We would spend some time in the afternoon enjoying more of God’s beauty by visiting Pagosa Springs Park, a precious time of rest as a gift from our precious host.

That evening we stayed with our host and sister/friend Karen. What a beautiful setting she lives in! We watched as a deer came and visited in her back yard. Karen said this was a regular occurence here. She showed us a picture and told us the story behind it, which we will not soon forget. One evening not long ago, in a very nonchalant manner a deer had walked right up to her back porch as if he owned the place. Karen’s sweet cat and the deer were checking each other out through the glass porch doors, and Karen had captured it on film! These two were looking at each other almost nose to nose through the glass, and from the looks of it, one would have imagined they’d been best friends for years! And, they probably had!

In the morning after a delicious breakfast provided by Karen, we would be off to our next destination. We prayed for and blessed each other, and shared hugs! This time was such a restful, quiet and beautiful retreat in the middle of a very busy week of prayerwalking. God is so good, and thinks of everything.

Pagosa Springs is such a beautiful picture of God’s handiwork. Everywhere we look, Oh Lord, we see You.

Lord, thank You for this amazing place. Let it always reflect You.

PSALM 23: 1-3a:

“The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.“

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