County Seat: Canon City.

The Fremont County Courthouse was waiting for us this morning in the County Seat of Canon City, Colorado. We were to meet Bryan Sanford, Pastor of the Wellspring Church in the nearby town of Florence. As we waited, two divine appointments happened. First, a businessman came over and asked, could he help us. Our response was that we had come to pray for Fremont County, and did he want to join us? His answer: “Yes I love to pray, and I would love to join you!” It turns out, this man was Tony Carochi, Fremont County Manager! Very soon Shawn Sutton, the Budget and Finance Director, also came to join us!

Both these men were eager to pray for Fremont County, even though they had an administrative meeting shortly that they needed to attend. They both stopped what they were doing to pray with us for their county. We were quite impressed! We agreed on many things in prayer, including that the meeting would go how God wanted, that righteous laws and decisions would be made, that hearts would be changed that needed to be in line with Your Word; and that these county leaders would seek first the Kingdom of God over their county.

We declared that scripture and sang the chorus, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you, Allelu- Alleluyah!” (from Matthew 6:33.) It was a sweet time of fellowship with these precious men. After prayer, they joined their meeting and Pastor Bryan came to join us. We agreed on the same declarations for this county, then followed him to Wellspring Church where Bryan had a prayer team waiting for us. Terri Madigan, Jim Whetstine, and Bryan’s mother Barbara Sanford, all joined us and there were seven in all with our Melody, Tony and I. We had a wonderful time of communion and prayer together, as we placed symbols of our prayers into the ground and sealed it all with worship. Terri told us of a prayer strike in June that would take place along Highway 50, with intercessors prayerwalking to each town across this highway, meeting teams at every city along the route. We prayed for that prayer strike, for Wellspring Church, and for Fremont County to worship and honor the God of Moses.

Moses didn’t even know God’s Name when he was called. With all the gods of the Egyptians, he basically asked, “Which one are You? I don’t even know your name.” God answered. “Tell them, I AM sent you! I AM the God who shakes the earth when You pray, Moses. I AM the God who collects your tears, who saves your prayers, who answers when you cry out to me. I AM the God who loves you, holds you close, and saves you. I AM, Moses. Tell them I AM sent you. That is my Name.

Oh God, we honor You and thank You that we have the privilege to be able to come into Your Presence this day. We get to worship You here when so many others don’t even know who You are. Let us be a lighthouse, and let us show the way through the dark places to You, Oh Lord. Let us show the world You are the Great I AM. Let us tell them, Lord. All across Fremont County, help them understand that You, alone, Oh Lord, are God, the ONLY God.

Thank You for this precious county. Let all who are here know You and serve You. Change any hearts of stone, and give them hearts of flesh as You draw them to Yours. Let all of Fremont County know that You are truly, THE I AM.

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