County Seat: Cripple Creek.

What a TREAT today has been. More treats await us. I need to add something here. On the way to Teller County from Park County, I asked the Lord, “What are YOUR favorite songs?” I heard Him say, “The ones about my Son.” I hesitatingly said, “Well… they’re… ALL… about…Your… Son…” I heard Him say simply, “My point.” Well, I got a clear answer to THAT one!

Our traveling companions today were Frank and Elizabeth who were with us in Park County as well, and our Melody who joins us in our County Prayerwalk. We stopped just after Wilkerson Pass, and Elizabeth told us these are called the Tarryall Mountains. We decided that this was so you could tarry there with Jesus. Oh my, we got to stop and see where Elizabeth and Frank live and work. Oh, how peaceful and beautiful, to live right here IN these mountains, wow. Just outside Cripple Creek, the County Seat, we saw llamas just grazing like they owned the place. (Well, they kind of do!)

Our destination today would be Mountain Life Church. Pastor Manny Dunlap shepherds this flock. As we climbed the hill leading to the church building, there was a huge heart shaped with rocks and a giant cross on the ground right in the middle. What a beautiful testimony to what Jesus did for us. And what a joy to be here with Frank, Elizabeth and Melody!

Manny wasn’t able to join us today but had welcomed us fully to be here. And I have to say, just seeing our car parked next to Frank and Elizabeth’s was a real treat. Tony picked a spot under an evergreen tree and prepared the ground for our offerings. We prayed over this ground, and after collecting some Teller County soil, we began to take turns placing our symbols into the ground. Tony got the honor of placing first our stone and sticks, representing Elijah’s altar when he faced off with the prophets of baal and called down fire from heaven.

We call down fire from heaven also, but are not asking for physical flames. We ask for fire on our hearts and that of the church, the county, Colorado, and across our great nation!

“Is not the cup of blessing which we bless, a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ?”

I Corinthians 11:25

We got a special gift from God. Manny gave his grandson permission to join us; what a precious young man! He was very interested, asking questions about what this was all about and joining in our time together. What a sweet treat from heaven! We loved having him join us!

We prayed over each symbol: the altar as we have described, and the Colorado Prays card is to call forth more intercessors for Colorado. We put in a chain link, and ask God to bind together the church as one, linking us closely as we worship one Lord as ONE BODY. We add a small container that holds a tiny scroll with the theme verse of this journey, Jeremiah 10:6-7. There is NONE like our God! We add mustard seed for faith, and throw some into the wind asking God to carry faith across our state and our nation.

We place in the ground a chain link- linking us all together as one, and pour over our offerings water- for the water of the Word, and then we anoint the whole thing with olive oil- for the Holy Spirit. We take communion together and prayerfully place this into the ground also.

This one is the most heart grabbing parts, as we reflect on the offering He gave on the cross when He gave His life for us. When He said “IT IS FINISHED”, it was. “Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us, that we should be called the sons of God!” I John 3:1a After communion, we seal it all with worship, and today we sang “The Father’s Song”, “Worthy of it All”, and “We Exalt Thee”. And, we do!

“The joy of the Lord is your strength!” Nehemiah 8:10

Now we would enjoy a precious time of fellowship in town with our dear friends, then head HOME. Oh our Lord, we thank You for our sweet time in Cripple Creek. We pray this place will be “A Light On The Hill”, over this county.


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