County Seat: Cortez.

Cortez, Colorado. We have been looking forward to meeting you- that is, getting to see Kristi Ross face to face! A prayer partner on Colorado Prays- before getting to meet her face to face, Kristi was a huge help to us in this prayerwalk journey. Along with prayer, Kristi prepared maps, safe places to stay, and safe routes- and very likely saved our lives numerous times by putting us on safe highways!

Before going into Cortez, Kristi had a special request. Could we stop by her friend’s Cowboy Church in Mancos on our way? Of course we could! At 7000 feet, Mancos was beautiful and so were our hosts here, Shawna and Robin.

After a wonderful time of prayer with these precious folks, we headed to our destination for this evening with Kristi- Montezuma County- with a detour through Dolores County! What a crazy day! But now we are back, and ready to do our prayerwalk in Cortez!

I must also make mention of Kristi’s dear friend, and now ours- Carol Woodmancy- a very precious and dear prophetic woman of God. She prayed over us and spoke prophetic words from the Lord over each of us. It was a sweet, anointed time and we loved this woman right away. It was easy to see why our Kristi thinks so highly of her! We spent time with her Saturday before going back to our hotel.

Sunday morning found us at Kristi’s daughter Mika’s ranch. Mika and Hardy Tozer let us use their land and we were excited to have Mika join us in our worship! She is such a precious woman of God. We were MORE than excited to be invited to have our offerings and worship on their property and it was so beautiful there. Kristi’s little 9 year old granddaughter Rossi is also a sweet Jesus loving little lady! We had such a blessed time with this family, and God moved mightily as we knew He would!

OK, some things you just can’t have enough words for, so here is a “picture album” of our morning:

Tony prepares the ground. The Lord prepares our hearts.

“Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing!”

PSALM 100: 1-2.

More to come- a precious time of remembering all the Lord has done for us, worship and prayer, and making declarations from the Word over this land!

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” He took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all drank from it. He said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.” Mark 14: 22-25.

Blessing the land, blowing of shofars: North, South, East and West. Three long shofar blasts, declaring to the enemy this was not his territory! Time of rejoicing followed!

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