County Seat: Montrose.

This afternoon we are nearing the city of Montrose, in Montrose County. As all throughout western Colorado, we have traveled again through unspeakably beautiful mountains. We just crossed Cerro Summit, at 7750 ft. There was road construction and maintenance on our way, as you will see in some of the pictures.

Some of the pictures will show hairpin turns, as we navigated slowly across this pass.

We are with Janet Eckerdt and her friends, and we are meeting at the Grace Community Church here in Montrose.

Placing our stone alter in the ground, Tony explains each symbol of our prayers and we pray over each one. Oh Lord, in this county, we pray that Your fire would fall on the hearts of the church, beginning with our hearts. Please unite this body of believers as one, under the authority of Your Word. We call forth more intercessors that will dedicate themselves to prayer and intercession for Montrose and all of Colorado. Oh God, we need more intercessors for our nation! Send Your holy angels to surround this body of believers, and strengthen us to stand strong and claim America back to You!

We agree in prayer that faith will spread across Colorado, Montrose County and America like you taught us in Your Word about the mustard seed. We ask You to carry this seed across our nation and plant seeds of faith where there were none. We ask that You grow mighty trees with good roots, and that we would understand once again that the only firm foundation we have is You! As we once again become a nation of the Word- Your people, that our roots would go down deep and reach the Living Water that only You can provide. You ARE the Living Water, Oh Lord, and You ARE the Living Word. We have no hope but You and we want no other God in our nation but YOU.

We remember You are the Living Water as we pour water over our offerings. We thank You for the Holy Spirit annointing we have as Your body, and thank You for this as we pour the oil. There is truely “NONE LIKE YOU OH LORD! YOU ARE GREAT, AND GREAT IS YOUR NAME IN MIGHT! WHO WOULD NOT FEAR YOU, OH KING OF THE NATIONS; INDEED IT IS YOUR DUE! FOR AMONG ALL THE WISE MEN OF THE NATIONS, AND IN ALL THEIR KINGDOMS, THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU!” Jeremiah 10:6-7 is placed into the land as we worship Your Holy Name!

As we come to our time of communion, we humble ourselves before You, Oh Lord our Savior. We remember Your Words:

“As they were eating, Jesus took some bread and blessed it. Then He broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, “Take, eat, this is my body.” and He took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it.” Matthew 26:26-30.

The disciples then didn’t understand You would die for them as the Lamb, the perfect One. We can’t even comprehend it now. But, we remember what You did, and as we remember, we place these elements into the ground. We are standing on Holy Ground when we stand at Your feet. Thank You for what You did, to pay the blood price so we could stand with You forever.

With rejoicing, we seal our offerings with worship. We thank You Lord that You made a way. We thank You that these believers in Montrose understand. Let them be lighthouses for You here, and let all of Montrose turn to You. This is too great a salvation to miss, and we pray that no one here will miss it!

We enter the Holy of Holies; there is none like You. You are worthy of it all and we EXALT YOU! Thank You for our old and new friends here in Montrose, and thank You for all You are doing here- for seeds planted, strong trees growing, and this lighthouse that will shine Your light. You are an amazing God!

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