County Seat: Pueblo.

Today we arrived in beautiful Pueblo County and were able to do some prayerwalking around a park in Pueblo, the County Seat and the largest city in Pueblo County. We spent our afternoon prayerwalking Riverwalk Waterfall, enjoying a beautiful bridge and waterfall along the river.

Tony, Melody and I had precious time together declaring the Word over the land, this county and over Pueblo. The waterfall reminded us of the Voice of the Lord being over many waters, and we declared Psalm 29 over Pueblo. Psalm 29:3-4 proclaims: “The Voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of Glory thunders. The Lord is over many waters. The Voice of the Lord is powerful, the Voice of the Lord is majestic!” As we made declarations for Pueblo and for Colorado from the Word of God, we prayed that Pueblo would be a shining light to all of America. As the beautiful water cascaded down the waterfall at the Riverwalk, we listened to it’s falling a long time and prayed that Holy Spirit would flow over Pueblo and over Colorado like that. We prayed for the living Water to overtake all of Pueblo County, and all of our state and our nation. Holy Spirit, come!

As it got closer to evening, we made our way to The Lord’s House. What a glorious evening we had with these precious lovers of God at The Lord’s House in Pueblo, Colorado, and what a delicious banquet awaited us. Every Friday night they have a prayer meeting, beginning with a pot luck dinner and fellowship. Tonight was to be a bit different, as they had invited us to come and share about Prayerwalk America and Prayerwalk Colorado.

After some great food and sweet fellowship with our new friends, Pastor Tracy Phillips gave a brief introduction to who we are, and let us have the microphone! Tony began with his testimony, then told what Prayerwalk America and Prayerwalk Colorado are all about. When it was my turn, I gave a bit of my own testimony and what we are placing in the ground as an offering to the Lord in every county. I was able to show each item, and tell how they were significant to our prayers for Colorado. After a time of worship, we went outside to a special place on the church grounds where we would place and pray over our offerings.

Tony prepared the ground and the Lord prepared our hearts. As each symbol was placed on the “alter”, we prayed for the demonic strongholds over Pueblo to be broken and for the Light of Jesus to penetrate the hearts of the church, then all of Pueblo County, flowing like the Colorado River out into the state and over all the nation. Each person attending got to play a special part in placing the offerings into the ground. There were precious grandchildren of some of the members there, and they were excited to get to throw the mustard seed into the air as we prayed for our growing faith to spread our across our state and our nation. After our communion time and our anointing the offerings with water and oil, we sang beautiful worship right there under the stars and our song rang out over the city. Lord, may our worship change the airways and shift the atmosphere. May all who live here be changed forever by what has happened in their city tonight. May Your blessing be over this place long after we leave here.

Back inside, Pastor Tracy led with more worship songs and gave many encouraging words from the Lord, including some He said the Lord woke him up in the middle of the night to tell him. Those words were for us, but also for all those who were there.

Tonight was just a beautiful time of just soaking in the Lord’s Presence. Some of what was said included that the Lord sees what we do, and what we do not do. The Lord gives us honor for our sacrifice and labor for Him, and will encourage and strengthen our physical bodies as well as our hearts. We were encouraged to keep pressing in to the Presence of the Lord and keep being encouraged and filled with hope and power from on High. His words were timely and did just that. We were filled with hope and strength, and encouraged to keep pressing in for more of the Lord as we intercede for our nation and our families. The time was sweet and although it was dark outside, the Light was shining brightly in that place. I guess you could say, we were “Son- kissed”!

Glory to You Oh Lord our God, King of the universe. Glory to Your Name. May we press in to You every day and moment of our lives. May You shift atmospheres and shake the earth as You hear our prayers and they reach Your ears. May we live in Psalm 91 covering and in Psalm 18 earth shaking power as You hear our intercession. May the Lord’s House, Pueblo County, Colorado and this nation give You the honor and glory due Your Holy Name. We pray often, “God bless America.” This night we pray, “May AMERICA BLESS GOD!” Thank You, thank You, thank You, and Glory to Your Name!

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