County Seat: Westcliffe.

We had a magnificent drive through the mountains to the home of Michael and Joni Lujan. These precious folks invited us out to their home outside of Westcliff and it was right at the foot of the mountains, where they co-pastor a small home fellowship. This precious couple were ready and willing to sit at the Lord’s feet with us and share in our worship, fellowship and offerings to the Lord. What a joy to spend this time with them!

We did our outside offerings first, as Colorado seems to like afternoon thunderstorms. But, as God told me in another county, it may be the enemy’s plan to stop us with storms. But when the thunder rolls, it’s the Lion of Judah roaring! And when the Lion of Judah roars, the enemy must submit! Michael and Joni had a place prepared by their back fence, looking out on the mountain range. Tony dug our well and placed the Elijah Stone. It was such a precious time taking turns placing the elements into the ground, as we ask God to sanctify the land.

Tony placed the chain link, Joni poured the water (signifying the Living water) and Michael poured the oil (Holy Spirit). Joni read Jeremiah 10:6-7 and placed it alongside our offerings. I put in the Colorado prays card, asking God for more intercessors to rise up. Melody loves to do the mustard seed, asking for more faith to spread across our county, state and nation. Michael honored us by speaking the Hebrew blessings over the cup and the juice as we shared communion together and with the land. As our offerings were completed, we covered the opening with soil. I love to feel the cool soil on my hands as together we contemplate what just happened. Michael had a special stone ready to place as a marker so they would always remember and protect what just took place on this Holy Ground. And, together, we blew shofars over the land, to honor the Lord and proclaim His majesty!

Inside, we had a time of worship and Michael played two songs for us: “Fire of Your Spirit” by Sarah Lieberman, and “Kadosh” by Paul Wilber. It was a precious time honoring Israel as we prayed for them and for each other. Some of their prayers for us included God’s blessing and anointing on us as we complete our assignment over Colorado, and that He would give us might, strength and power as He sends us forward. We gave the Lord praise, worship and thanks as He gives us boldness to do in His Name all He has sent us to do, in love and with all the glory and honor going to Him.

We also prayed that as leaders of their flock, Michael and Joni would lead those sent to them in training and understanding of WHO You are and WHOSE THEY ARE! We are so grateful for these servants of Yours and carriers of Your message to this place. Then, we prayed for the peace that passes undertanding over each other. Michael closed us out beautifully by teaching us the Hebrew meaning of the word “shalom” (peace). It means, in the original Hebrew, “The peace that shatters all chaos.”

Lord, we pray that You cover this sweet couple, all their family, this county and all of Colorado and our nation with the peace that shatters all chaos. We so love You, Adonai. Thank You for this precious time today with Your chosen ones here in Custer County. In Jesus’ precious Name, we honor You and lift You high! Amen and Amen!

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