County Seat: Walsenburg.
What an indescribably amazing trip this has been. On the way to Walsenburg, County Seat of Huerfano County, we passed Blanca Peak- boasting an elevation of 14,345 feet. I have to regularly “manage my account” on my phone, because it regularly tells me I take too many pictures…About 10 miles outside of Walsenburg we passed a herd of antelope. I told my husband, they were posing just for me, as they thought I’d be putting them on this website. So- they gave me their best side, and just stood there and posed. It was amazing.
We have now arrived in Walsenburg and God has given us a beautiful day. The history of this town is literally everywhere you look. What a beautiful place. It seemed that time had just stopped still here.
Today we were looking forward to a 1:00 appointment at another place of great value. We were to meet with the Pastor of the Praise Church on 4th Street. Pastor Juanita met us there and our afternoon was about to get glorious! When we arrived, Juanita was very welcoming and showed us the building that houses the church she leads. She had already picked out the perfect place right in a garden, for our memorial offerings and prayer time. After sharing stories and getting to know each other, we went to that garden and began our time in worship at the feet of our Savior.
We wanted Juanita to do much of the placing of the offerings. What a sweet spirit she has. Tony prepared the ground with a small “well”, and laid the Elijah stone as we talked about the power of God “showing up”. That was the day when Elijah and the prophets of Baal “decided” who the real God was (with God making sure they got the point!) We call down Your Holy Spirit fire on our hearts, Lord, here in Heurfano County. Lord God, don’t let us miss it today! We repent right now on behalf of churches that are luke warm, churches that have blocked You out, and we welcome You today!!!! Come into our presence and have Your way! This is YOUR church! Oh God, light a fire in each of us, and let it spread across this land!
As each symbol was placed in the ground, we prayed for God to move on our behalf. We prayed for unity in the body as we placed the chain link in the ground, and for faith to grow and spread as we sprinkled mustard seed into our well, and threw some into the air. Oh Lord, take our offerings this day and answer our prayers! As we pour water and oil into the ground, we remember You are the Living Water, and You are the Holy Spirit who fills us. Lord, we cry out for more intercessors to rise up; call them forth and draw them in, Oh God, we ask as we place the Colorado Prays Card into the ground. Jeremiah 10:6-7 cries out from this place; as we lay our copy of these words into the ground next to our other offerings. There is truly NONE LIKE YOU, oh Lord! And most importantly, we came to our time of communion together.
As we take the bread and the cup, Oh Lord, we do honor You for being the ultimate sacrifice. Your blood spilled down the cross and into the ground that day. We remember, as we take the emblems and each of us places a part of our communion over our offerings to give thanks again for Your blood spilled. You are the perfect Lamb of God. There is no other Savior; none can compare with You!
As we cover the ground, we bow in honor and reverence. It is Holy Ground any time we are at Your feet. We continued this precious time inside the sanctuary, with more prayer and worship. We prayed for many things, which included pulling down stronghholds over our children, replacing rulers and leaders who will not bow to You with those who will, sending laborers among our young who will guide them in the ways of the Lord, and asking the Lord to shake the foundations of anything in this county that is not of HIM. Lord we give You honor and praise and glory- this is YOUR church! We prayed for each other; then, the Lord gave me words from His heart for Pastor Juanita. As I read them again today and remember all He said as I write this post, I am encouraged myself once again at His great amazing love for us all and how He dances over us with joy. May we never forget, Lord.
We closed and sealed our time with worship, and we sang and sang. I read the words to a song I wrote long ago, “Dancin With Me”, over Juanita. What an honor to be in this place, sharing the great love of our Savior with each other. May His love ring out over this county, and may they know its Him. And, MAY WE TRULY NEVER FORGET!
Colorado Counties by Region:
Front Range:
Adams County
Arapahoe County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Denver County
Douglas County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Jefferson County
Larimer County
Weld County
Central Colorado:
Chaffee County
Clear Creek County
Custer County
Eagle County
Fremont County
Gilpin County
Lake County
Park County
Saguache County
Summit County
Teller County
Western Slope:
Archuleta County
Delta County
Dolores County
Garfield County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Jackson County
La Plata County
Mesa County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Ouray County
Pitkin County
Rio Blanco County
Routt County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
San Luis Valley:
Alamosa County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Mineral County
Rio Grande County
Eastern Plains:
Baca County
Bent County
Cheyenne County
Crowley County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Morgan County
Otero County
Phillips County
Prowers County
Sedgwick County
Washington County
Yuma County
Northwest Colorado:
Grand County
Jackson County
Moffat County
Rio Blanco County
Routt County
South Central Colorado:
Sorted By Name:
Adams County
Alamosa County
Arapahoe County
Archuleta County
Baca County
Bent County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Chaffee County
Cheyenne County
Clear Creek County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Crowley County
Custer County
Delta County
Denver County
Dolores County
Douglas County
Eagle County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Fremont County
Garfield County
Gilpin County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Huerfano County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
La Plata County
Lake County
Larimer County
Las Animas County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Mesa County
Mineral County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Morgan County
Otero County
Ouray County
Park County
Phillips County
Pitkin County
Prowers County
Pueblo County
Rio Blanco County
Rio Grande County
Routt County
Saguache County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
Sedgwick County
Summit County
Teller County
Washington County
Weld County
Yuma County
Adams County
Alamosa County
Arapahoe County
Archuleta County
Baca County
Bent County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Chaffee County
Cheyenne County
Clear Creek County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Crowley County
Custer County
Delta County
Denver County
Dolores County
Douglas County
Eagle County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Fremont County
Garfield County
Gilpin County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Huerfano County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
La Plata County
Lake County
Larimer County
Las Animas County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Mesa County
Mineral County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Morgan County
Otero County
Ouray County
Park County
Phillips County
Pitkin County
Prowers County
Pueblo County
Rio Blanco County
Rio Grande County
Routt County
Saguache County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
Sedgwick County
Summit County
Teller County
Washington County
Weld County
Yuma County