County Seat: Creede.
What beautiful mountains we crossed over to get here. We had been invited to join in with the Creede Baptist Church Wednesday night meeting: a potluck and Bible Study. In unity, all the deacons had agreed to allow us to present to the whole group our assignment, and they were all happy to join in. So, after the potluck and before Bible Study, we all headed outside! Even the children wanted to be a part. It was a blessing to have such a large group; there were 27 adults and 7 children as best as we could count. The owners of the Snowshoe Lodge we stayed at are members there as well.
When it was time to go outside for the communion and offerings, they introduced us and let Tony explain what we were going to be doing. Melody had prefilled the communion cups and laid out the bread, so on the way outside, each person could get their elements and be ready. This worked so well, and the children’s church leader was wonderful. She handled the children beautifully, letting each one know just what their roles would be. We wanted the kids to feel a part of this, so each one got to do something special. One little girl got to place the prayer card into the offerings, and she was excited to say, “Jesus, help more people want to pray!” Another girl got to pour the mustard seeds into the offering and throw some into the air, saying, “Jesus, spread faith ALL OVER AMERICA!” She had the biggest smile on her face as the mustard seeds went flying! Another girl offered to read the scripture and add it to our offerings.
The boys wanted to be a part of things too. So, when we came to the water, we talked about the Bible saying that as a deer pants for the water, we are supposed to be thirsty for Him like that. So, we just want to drink Him up all the time. Then, each boy got to pour some of the water, and say together, “Jesus, help me be thirsty for You!” They even said it twice! Tim was the head of the deacons, and his wife Kate was glad to pour the oil. At the end of communion, every one of them went forward to pour part of their communion over the offerings. After sealing our time with worship, we went inside for their Bible Study.
The one who was teaching started out by saying that he had especially liked the part when we talked about how Jesus’ blood was spilled on the ground- because in fact, it was. Tony was encouraged that he had been able to call these symbols we use prophetic acts, as most people are afraid of that because they don’t understand. That was not the case here. They were very open to all God had led us to do, and each of them was very encouraging. They listened intently to what we had to say, and the children did so well. We had discussed in advance that they preferred no pictures of the children since this was going on a website, so of course we honored that request. All the people there were very encouraging and excited about tonight. It was such a sweet time!
Thank You Lord, for the little town of Creede, and for Mineral County. Let this precious church family continue to be a light here for all to see You. Thank You for speaking to us in ways we can see and understand, as the deer we saw coming into town reminded us to thirst for You. You are an amazing and beautiful God!
“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirst for God, for the living God!”
Psalm 42: 1-2a
Colorado Counties by Region:
Front Range:
Adams County
Arapahoe County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Denver County
Douglas County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Jefferson County
Larimer County
Weld County
Central Colorado:
Chaffee County
Clear Creek County
Custer County
Eagle County
Fremont County
Gilpin County
Lake County
Park County
Saguache County
Summit County
Teller County
Western Slope:
Archuleta County
Delta County
Dolores County
Garfield County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Jackson County
La Plata County
Mesa County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Ouray County
Pitkin County
Rio Blanco County
Routt County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
San Luis Valley:
Alamosa County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Mineral County
Rio Grande County
Eastern Plains:
Baca County
Bent County
Cheyenne County
Crowley County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Morgan County
Otero County
Phillips County
Prowers County
Sedgwick County
Washington County
Yuma County
Northwest Colorado:
Grand County
Jackson County
Moffat County
Rio Blanco County
Routt County
South Central Colorado:
Sorted By Name:
Adams County
Alamosa County
Arapahoe County
Archuleta County
Baca County
Bent County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Chaffee County
Cheyenne County
Clear Creek County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Crowley County
Custer County
Delta County
Denver County
Dolores County
Douglas County
Eagle County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Fremont County
Garfield County
Gilpin County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Huerfano County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
La Plata County
Lake County
Larimer County
Las Animas County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Mesa County
Mineral County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Morgan County
Otero County
Ouray County
Park County
Phillips County
Pitkin County
Prowers County
Pueblo County
Rio Blanco County
Rio Grande County
Routt County
Saguache County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
Sedgwick County
Summit County
Teller County
Washington County
Weld County
Yuma County
Adams County
Alamosa County
Arapahoe County
Archuleta County
Baca County
Bent County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Chaffee County
Cheyenne County
Clear Creek County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Crowley County
Custer County
Delta County
Denver County
Dolores County
Douglas County
Eagle County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Fremont County
Garfield County
Gilpin County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Huerfano County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
La Plata County
Lake County
Larimer County
Las Animas County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Mesa County
Mineral County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Morgan County
Otero County
Ouray County
Park County
Phillips County
Pitkin County
Prowers County
Pueblo County
Rio Blanco County
Rio Grande County
Routt County
Saguache County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
Sedgwick County
Summit County
Teller County
Washington County
Weld County
Yuma County