County Seat: Salida.
WOW! What amazing people we get to meet and spend time with in worship and prayer! And Cindy and Darren were just that! We had SUCH a blessed time with them in Salida!
We first drove across this beautiful Chaffee County along the Arkansas River. And as if that wasn’t enough, the mountains drew our hearts in worship to the King of all Kings who just breathed them out one day when He said Let there be…” My camera went crazy (OK it was me actually…) as their home was out in the country, so private and beautiful and right at the base of some of those mountains. We met them there, but already felt we knew them from the time sharing on the phone ahead of our visit. They invited us to come to their property and we were more than glad to do so!
We started with our offerings in the ground by their fence, as Tony and Darren dug a small opening in their ground while we looked up at God’s majestic mountain range. As we placed each piece into the ground, we knew we were STANDING on holy ground. It was a sacred time, as it always is, when we think of the meaning of each symbol. First is the well, and Cindy shared that God had told them there would be “wells of revival” springing forth from their land. That touched our hearts, as we were about to dig a small “well” for our offerings- perhaps a “seed” for the wells of revival coming!
At the base of the well, Tony loves to place our “altar”- a flat stone and sticks “arranged in order” as Elijah did when he faced off with the prophets of baal. We too call down fire from heaven, but not as Elijah did. We ask God to send fire on our hearts, on the church, over this county and on Colorado, then on our nation. Fire, Lord. Send Your fire! Light the fire again in us! We need You! Begin with us!
We place our chain link in the ground, asking for unity in the body, that we would be “one body in Christ”. Jeremiah 10:6-7 was prayed over and a copy was placed over our offering, praising our God who is unlike any other and who is the ONLY true God. Then, mustard seed was sprinkled into the ground, and a handful thrown into the air, asking God to spread faith like that mustard seed all across our county, state and nation! We place a “Colorado Prays” card in the ground, asking God to raise up more intercessors for His Kingdom and His glory. As Jesus is the Living Water, we pour water over the altar; and thanking God for the oil of the the Holy Spirit, we pour olive oil over our offerings.
Finally, the most sacred part comes. We take communion together, remembering His death and all it means. Then, each one takes a portion of their communion and places this over our offering. We worship our God, and thank Him for His complete and final sacrifice for us. What a precious time this is to our hearts. Tony then buries the offerings and we thank God again for sanctifying this ground and this land, and ask Him to sanctify our nation and bring it back into alignment with His Word and HIs Kingdom. Afterwards, we seal it all with worship and the blowing of the shofars.
We did the worship and the shofars inside their house, as it was preparing to rain. Rain down on us, Oh Lord, how we need You! As we blew the shofars, even their little dog was “singing” with us! It was so sweet. Then, a real blessing to all of us but a special treat for me, Darren brought out his guitar with mine. That boy can PLAY that thing! We discovered that he leads the worship team at his church and has a long history of leading worship and playing. It showed! How precious it was to be able to share worship with another guitar playing worshipper, especially one so accomplished. Thank You Lord, for the sweet time of worship that followed! We prayed for Colorado, for Chaffee County, for my health and for Prayerwalk Colorado. And, we asked God for this place to be a well of revival and a lighthouse, drawing all men to Him and lighting the way to the Father! Let us be fire starters, Lord!
Thank You Oh Lord, for Chaffee County, and for worshippers like this that we can meet with at Your feet. Lord bless them and pour Yourself out on their family, their church, and all of Salida. There is truly NONE LIKE YOU!
Colorado Counties by Region:
Front Range:
Adams County
Arapahoe County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Denver County
Douglas County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Jefferson County
Larimer County
Weld County
Central Colorado:
Chaffee County
Clear Creek County
Custer County
Eagle County
Fremont County
Gilpin County
Lake County
Park County
Saguache County
Summit County
Teller County
Western Slope:
Archuleta County
Delta County
Dolores County
Garfield County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Jackson County
La Plata County
Mesa County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Ouray County
Pitkin County
Rio Blanco County
Routt County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
San Luis Valley:
Alamosa County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Mineral County
Rio Grande County
Eastern Plains:
Baca County
Bent County
Cheyenne County
Crowley County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Morgan County
Otero County
Phillips County
Prowers County
Sedgwick County
Washington County
Yuma County
Northwest Colorado:
Grand County
Jackson County
Moffat County
Rio Blanco County
Routt County
South Central Colorado:
Sorted By Name:
Adams County
Alamosa County
Arapahoe County
Archuleta County
Baca County
Bent County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Chaffee County
Cheyenne County
Clear Creek County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Crowley County
Custer County
Delta County
Denver County
Dolores County
Douglas County
Eagle County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Fremont County
Garfield County
Gilpin County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Huerfano County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
La Plata County
Lake County
Larimer County
Las Animas County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Mesa County
Mineral County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Morgan County
Otero County
Ouray County
Park County
Phillips County
Pitkin County
Prowers County
Pueblo County
Rio Blanco County
Rio Grande County
Routt County
Saguache County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
Sedgwick County
Summit County
Teller County
Washington County
Weld County
Yuma County
Adams County
Alamosa County
Arapahoe County
Archuleta County
Baca County
Bent County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Chaffee County
Cheyenne County
Clear Creek County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Crowley County
Custer County
Delta County
Denver County
Dolores County
Douglas County
Eagle County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Fremont County
Garfield County
Gilpin County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Huerfano County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
La Plata County
Lake County
Larimer County
Las Animas County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Mesa County
Mineral County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Morgan County
Otero County
Ouray County
Park County
Phillips County
Pitkin County
Prowers County
Pueblo County
Rio Blanco County
Rio Grande County
Routt County
Saguache County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
Sedgwick County
Summit County
Teller County
Washington County
Weld County
Yuma County