County Seat: Eagle.
We find ourselves this afternoon with two amazing people, Pastors Jim and Pam Tarr, right in the heart of Eagle County. We are visiting here with them at Cornerstone Christian Center. As we talked with them of our plans to go to Pitkin and Garfield Counties, they said we were so close in distance to both. They knew great places in each, and would be happy to not only show us the way, but go with us!
Sitting comfortably at 6,600 feet in elevation, the town of Eagle is the county seat of Eagle County. Named after the Eagle River, this county boasts 82 named mountains. Mount of the Holy Cross is the highest, with a summit of a mere 14,011 feet. Needless to say, this was a beautiful setting for our offerings today!
Under the tree in the front yard of the church here, we were privileged to share our worship and offerings with Jim, Pam, and our county prayerwalking partner, Melody Pena. Tony prepared the ground, and we prepared our hearts.
Tony placed the stone and sticks into the ground, representing Elijah’s altar when he faced off with the prophets of Baal. Today we call down fire from heaven as Elijah did that day, but we are asking that the fire today be on our hearts. We need revival fire and Holy Spirit fire on our nation. We placed our chain link over the altar, asking for YOUnity in the church. We don’t ask for unity with the world, but with the Word of God- especially in the church. We need Your church, Lord, in alignment with YOU. We ask for repentance in our nation, and for America and all of Colorado to be on our knees before the only true King.
Lord our King, please accept these offerings. We remember You are the Living Water, and we thirst for You as we pour water over our offerings. We need fresh Holy Spirit oil pouring over us each and every day, and we cry our for more intercessors to rise up and take their place on the wall as we place the Colorado Prays card in the ground. There is no God like YOU, and we declare this over our state and over Eagle County, as we place Jeremiah 10:6-7 alongside our offerings. We throw mustard seed into the ground and into the air, and cry out for more faith to grow in us and in our nation.
Communion is a precious time of remembering what the Lord has paid; what He has done for us to be His bride. We seal our time together with worship and the blowing of our shofars, and we thank You God, for this time with like minded lovers of You, Lord. What a sweet time of fellowship You have provided, and we are so grateful for our new friends! Thank You for Eagle County and all the glory it will bring to You!
We worshipped with “Let My Words Be Few” and “Shout to the Lord”.
“You are God in heaven, and here am I on earth… so I’ll let my words be few… Jesus I am so in love with YOU!”
Colorado Counties by Region:
Front Range:
Adams County
Arapahoe County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Denver County
Douglas County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Jefferson County
Larimer County
Weld County
Central Colorado:
Chaffee County
Clear Creek County
Custer County
Eagle County
Fremont County
Gilpin County
Lake County
Park County
Saguache County
Summit County
Teller County
Western Slope:
Archuleta County
Delta County
Dolores County
Garfield County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Jackson County
La Plata County
Mesa County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Ouray County
Pitkin County
Rio Blanco County
Routt County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
San Luis Valley:
Alamosa County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Mineral County
Rio Grande County
Eastern Plains:
Baca County
Bent County
Cheyenne County
Crowley County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Morgan County
Otero County
Phillips County
Prowers County
Sedgwick County
Washington County
Yuma County
Northwest Colorado:
Grand County
Jackson County
Moffat County
Rio Blanco County
Routt County
South Central Colorado:
Sorted By Name:
Adams County
Alamosa County
Arapahoe County
Archuleta County
Baca County
Bent County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Chaffee County
Cheyenne County
Clear Creek County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Crowley County
Custer County
Delta County
Denver County
Dolores County
Douglas County
Eagle County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Fremont County
Garfield County
Gilpin County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Huerfano County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
La Plata County
Lake County
Larimer County
Las Animas County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Mesa County
Mineral County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Morgan County
Otero County
Ouray County
Park County
Phillips County
Pitkin County
Prowers County
Pueblo County
Rio Blanco County
Rio Grande County
Routt County
Saguache County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
Sedgwick County
Summit County
Teller County
Washington County
Weld County
Yuma County
Adams County
Alamosa County
Arapahoe County
Archuleta County
Baca County
Bent County
Boulder County
Broomfield County
Chaffee County
Cheyenne County
Clear Creek County
Conejos County
Costilla County
Crowley County
Custer County
Delta County
Denver County
Dolores County
Douglas County
Eagle County
El Paso County
Elbert County
Fremont County
Garfield County
Gilpin County
Grand County
Gunnison County
Hinsdale County
Huerfano County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Kiowa County
Kit Carson County
La Plata County
Lake County
Larimer County
Las Animas County
Lincoln County
Logan County
Mesa County
Mineral County
Moffat County
Montezuma County
Montrose County
Morgan County
Otero County
Ouray County
Park County
Phillips County
Pitkin County
Prowers County
Pueblo County
Rio Blanco County
Rio Grande County
Routt County
Saguache County
San Juan County
San Miguel County
Sedgwick County
Summit County
Teller County
Washington County
Weld County
Yuma County